10 Wks No Improvement

The best way to fix a SI joint problem is to build up your glutes and hamstrings as well as the leg and trunk muscles.

Running can cause the hip flexors to become over active and dominant, which can cause the glute med and hamstrings to become inactive and inhibited. This will cause the pelvis to roll forward and exacerbate the problem.

I’ve found that squats and DLs done with a LIGHT WEIGHT with perfect form had a huge effect on my sacroiliac dysfunction.

As for the not gaining weight: eat more calories, eat more protein, exercise your legs and back. You might be suprised how much you’ll need to eat. The eating is harder than the training.

Bill Starr 5X5 routine and eat eat eat

Great advice here, I would only add:

  1. Heavier weights. Do a 5x5 or, a favorite of mine, 8x3. Keep rest periods around 1.5 minutes of you do 8x3, and take longer as you need as the sets escalate.

  2. If you like high reps, no problem - do an 8x3 on a big compound movement (bench press) and then do some sets at highers reps as a supplement (incline DBs). This mix of reps and intensity works great for me.

  3. Do something for the whole body - deadlifts are great. Squats are great, too, but they can tax your legs if you still run alot. Do something big - deadlift, squat, power/hang cleans, etc. Even doing these once a week at sufficient intensity will give you gains.

  4. Eat nuts all day long. Snack all day, handful after handful. When I was in a serious gaining phase some years ago, I got a gallon jug of mixed nuts and carried it around all day (plain, not salted). Worked like a champ.

  5. Right before bed, eat cottage cheese.

  6. Eat cleaner - not only will it help you with size, etc., but your workouts will improve.

  7. Train like an athlete - not someone whose sole goal is to stare at himself on the mirror.

Best of luck.

Oh, an addendum: West Side for Skinny Bastards is a great program. Solid mix of strength-building, hypertrophy, and variety.

I am pressed for time to supply a link, but a search should be easy.

You cannot out-train poor nutrition.

Even with your current training you should see some progress with a adequate(surplus calorie) diet.

To start you out, go to the cool tips archive page and follow CWs simplified diet advice.
This should be close to maintenance KCal for you. Add a serving of oatmeal for breakfast(or something similar) and you should be on your way.

Get your diet in check and come back to us in 4-6 weeks.

How old are you?

A bunch of guys that have no problem gaining weight telling you to overdose on protein.

You’ve got a ton of advice I hope it all works. But um… If your a true endurance athlete you’ll burn through those calories in no time. You need a little fat, add a cheeseburger here, a pizza there, and milkshakes are great.

Fat stores a double the energy of carbs, and protein takes alot of energy to digest which leaves little protein left for your muscles if your body needs to burn it for energy.

Pullups for 20 reps each set? or 20 reps total? At 143 pullups are not going to do much for you unless your doing them weighted. So either do them weighted or after your rows.

Agonist/Antagonist workouts are good for people trying to cut, when trying to gain do one at a time. I hope your not supersetting these. Do all your bench exercises first then your lats, for one workout. Next reverse the order. If you can squat any, even without weight do that.

To simplify:
Nobody is going to agree with me but I’ve seen people even the hardest of gainers gain wieght with this workout.

Squats 3x10 (Alternate with Deadlifts)
Bench(Barbell) 3x8
Incline(Barbell) 3x8
Rows(Barbell) 3x8
T-Bar(Barbell) or DB
Weighted Dips 3x10

Your last rep of every set should be somewhat challenging.

Resting 2 - 4 minutes between sets(I’ve never timed, just made sure I was relaxed, and not tight)

You said you eat terrible, who knows what that means(eat too little) drink liqour? but every week eat at least one diner size cheese burger, 2 good size pasta dishes with ground turkey, Min 2 Milkshakes, turkey sandwich, steak and mash potato dish and little if you must cardio, you should gain weight in not time.