1 armed / Post surgery training for us gimps

Just over 2 weeks ago I had shoulder surgery. Thought I had only a torn labrum but when doc went in he found my Labrum torn, my Rotator cuff torn and a torn Biceps tendon. Plus a shit load of Arthritis and spurring in my shoulder area. Doc cleaned up and fixed everything except the Labrum because he says that in my case fixing it would lead to more scar tissue and I’d be better off as is.

Went to Golds tonight and did some leg presses and followed it up with some ab work. I tried to do one armed stuff but everything I tried hurt my weak ass left shoulder. It was “prime time” in the gym so I didn’t want to look like a total douche bag experimenting with stuff so I left.

I was able to try a few machines like a back extension but I was easily repping the entire stack and it felt light - aka the machine suck. I tried to do pull thru’s with one arm but that didn’t work. The gym had kettelbells but they were in an area way over in the corner and at the time there was a herd of huge chicks slamming medicine balls into the floor? new one for me…

A positive note, I did see one guy in there rocking an Elite fitness systems Tee-Shirt.

Anyways, anyone else have a shoulder surgery? What did you do in the gym to stay somewhat active while you were recovering? Would appreciate any ideas guys! Thanks in advance.

Hey have you tried belt squats? I’m preparing myself mentally for the worst-case scenario with my own shoulder and tried belt squats tonight. They were awesome and did not involve any spine or shoulder loading.

[quote]StrengthDawg wrote:
What did you do in the gym to stay somewhat active while you were recovering? Would appreciate any ideas guys! Thanks in advance.
Rode the spin bike, hiked, and did lots of lower body machines that didn’t require gripping or bracing with the arms. I pretty much bagged unilateral upper body work. Good luck.